If you own an online shop, you will certainly hear a lot about conversion and A/B testing. Have you ever wondered what they are and why they are so important? If you don’t know it yet, it’s high time to make up for this lack of knowledge. Because here...
You’re starting to run an online shop with a few, several orders per day. You make up your mind with everything by hand. You pick up orders yourself, pack and send them. Many people started this way! If you run your own online shop, sooner or later there will...
So your packages are on the way! Or maybe even delivered! Amazing. Now it is time to get paid! Well not so quick…Delivery companies will not pay you immediately, even if they received money on your behalf from the customers. Usually, they will pay with 7 to 14...
All set! The customer confirmed his order and you are pretty sure everything will go well. Nothing can go wrong, we will just pack it and give it to the courier and a few days later the customer will happily receive and order and pay for it. And suddenly you wake up...
So you have been told that “the customer is always right”. Uh-huh…And maybe someone told you that “the customer is always good”…😂 (<— this is cool HTML emoji). Ok, let us take a step back a little and cool down here. We...
Internet is full of articles about e-commerce and different challenges that an e-commerce business may face. The problem is that a lot of these articles were written by people who never had an online shop! How do we know that? Let me start from the beginning although...