One of the best things about modern technology is the flexibility it provides us. This fact has become even more pronounced since the appearance of the internet and the steady growth of its influence on almost every facet of our lives. Thanks in large part to the world wide web itself, today’s world is certainly not a static one – it is essential that you monitor the trends in your respective industry. You want to make sure to move with the tides and avoid being left behind by the competition.

Web design is not immune to such changes and when doing web development it is extremely important to always take this into account. Constant fluctuations and ongoing advancements inform how websites will look and what the latest trends are year after year. This can be attributed to continuous research and rising levels of awareness of the importance of web design on the business as a whole. It is not enough to sit back and say, “I made sure I followed the trends last year and saw great results so I can relax this year.” This could prove to be a huge mistake as new techniques and methods are continuously introduced in the world of web design, with the aim of constantly improve customer satisfaction and keeping figures rising. A website is an important part of the customer experience and the more satisfied your customers are, the easier it is to keep them. Even further, they will be more likely to recommend your business to their friends and family, providing you with a tried and true form of advertising – word of mouth. It is therefore imperative that you stay in the know and up-to-date on the latest advancements.

But how do you weed out a passing craze from a useful new feature? Statistics and case studies are you friend and can provide documented proof of benefits a certain design element has brought about for others who have used it. Check out some examples of current web design trend favorites backed up by hard numbers in this infographic by DesignAdvisor.

Web Design Trends 2018 Infographics