Nowadays it is very simple to remove anything on your photo with the help of Adobe Photoshop here’s how to do it.

Open the photo that you want to edit.

Once you have the photo opened press “L” on the keyboard to bring out Lasso tool, or by clicking on the lasso tool on the left-hand side of your Photoshop screen.

Select the object you want to remove on your photo by dragging around the mouse.

Once you selected the object you want to remove from the picture, click on edit and content-aware fill.

When done clicking on the content-aware fill you can now adjust where the missing piece will copy the fill, simply remove some of the green fill on the picture to get the right content fill.

Showing on the picture below is the perfect example of the content filling when done simply click on Ok.

There you have it; you now have a clean removal of an object on your picture without difficulty, simply deselect the object by pressing ctrl+D on Windows and cmd+D on Mac.