Internet is full of articles about e-commerce and different challenges that an e-commerce business may face. The problem is that a lot of these articles were written by people who never had an online shop! How do we know that? Let me start from the beginning although...
Ask a random European about his associations with Africa. We guarantee you that most will answer “poverty, deserts, hunger, leaf shelters”. Stereotypes rule our opinions, unfortunately. Of course, this is the legacy of colonialism that Africa has been...
We believe everyone knows Gmail. Most of us use it every day to receive and send emails. An ordinary program that allows us to contact the world and handle both private and corporate mail. Is that so? Gmail is not only a platform for sending emails and we will try to...
Problem of abandoned carts is a real nightmare for all online shop owners. Somebody’s gotta get on your side. He was interested in your offer. That’s a lot. He spent a while browsing the products. The website is doing its job so far. So your...
If there is any part of your business that you really want to pay attention to, it definitely is finding the right person for the Chief Technology Officer position in your company. Of course, every employee is equally important and each one comes with different...
Magento 2 One Step Checkout extension is the best solution for your online store. But before we convince you to that, let’s start over. You have your own online shop, so you know the feeling. All these numbers, statistics, who spent how much time watching your...