Ask a random European about his associations with Africa. We guarantee you that most will answer “poverty, deserts, hunger, leaf shelters”. Stereotypes rule our opinions, unfortunately. Of course, this is the legacy of colonialism that Africa has been...
Giveaway competitions are the best way to grow your social media following, increase website traffic, and get more email subscribers. With this type of action, you can quickly and with a small contribution you can attract more fans. What’s more, they’re...
New WordPress has been the final major release of 2019! 5.3 version was released to the public on November 12, 2019. The designers named it “Kirk” in honour of jazz multi-instrumentalist Rahsaan Roland Kirk. The new WordPress version aims to polish current...
This year’s Snapdragon Technology Summit took place in the Hawaiian island of Maui, and guess what? We have news for you! Qualcomm’s announced their new flagship – Snapdragon 865 (SD 865). It is the natural successor to last year’s 855 chipset, and...
When was the last time you were on our Facebook profile? It’s time to catch up. We have published a new promo video for our company. See for yourself by clicking here. We are constantly developing and adding new projects to our portfolio. Therefore, we needed a...
‘Huawei banned to do business in the United States’ – hundreds of headlines shouted from all major industrial and business websites. You’ve probably also heard and read all the news about Huawei being cut ties to all its business partner in the...